S h a r y n T a y l o r T r a n s c r i b i n g & S e c r e t a r i a l
Our Transcribing Service is as simple as 1 - 2 - 3 !
Step 1 - send files to us
Step 2 - email us your instructions
Step 3 - We email you the completed transcripts!
About Us
Our 22+ years of service is based on the belief that our clients' needs are of the highest importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat clients and referrals.
We specialize in transcribing for Consultants and University Research Projects, however we transcribe for personal clients, from one to over one hundred recordings.
We have a team of 20 experienced transcribers available and our reputation is known for quality and service. We even offer a service to correct unsatisfactory transcripts completed elsewhere for you!
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and be of service to you.
Professional Transcribing
Whether you require transcribing of one recording, or over one hundred recordings; our team of professional transcribers can be at your service almost immediately, often without you even leaving your office!
We specialize in:
- Transcribing from digital files (audio and visual) - including Zoom & Microsoft Team recordings
- Transcribing from old cassette tapes (micro and standard)
We transcribe:
- One on one recordings
- Focus group / forum recordings
- Poor recordings
- Accent & interpreter recordings
- Unsatisfactory transcripts completed elsewhere - corrected by us too!
*Please refer to our Transcribing page for further details*
All your work is confidential. A confidentiality form can be supplied if required.
Professional Typing
Although we specialize in transcribing, we also offer a professional typing service, ranging from typing of resumes to manuscripts.
Please call or email us today for pricing & further details!